Home Page Steve Morse xxx
Hi, Welcome to my Web site, if you got here via my other callsign, G8OTV, great you made it! I have a website (which I will (may!) update one day!) .
Not much on the Home Page, click on the links on the left. As allways, its a project UNDER CONSTUCTION!
KI6HGH Biography (ON QRZ) Have fun, Steve
Click here If you want to see the Tortiose!
If you want to take an short Ham Extra Quiz click the link below:
If you like the site and would like to take a survey click the link below:
Jota 2016 was fun, here are some photos I have put on that web site.
Santa Barbara MakerSpace handout PDF. MAKERSPACE LINKS
So You Want To Become a Ham, well click here! Ham Links
SBARC Fact Sheet - Front SBARC Fact Sheet - Back Ham Links
And my latest link:
Arduino Links all things Adruino and electronic HERE!!!
My Store is located here at Square, I take the major credit cards, MC, Visa and Amex.
My latest Photos and Videos are here
My EdX/UC Berkeley entry for: EE40LX Robot Video is Here
Tiki Wiki Index
My First Google Voice Clicki thing!
You can call me on this number, it is Google Voice.
To use:
It will ring both my cell and home numbers, and if I don't answer you can leave a message.
You dont have to enter your real name.
If you click 'Keep Number Private' I will not see your phone number.
When you click 'Connect' Google Voice will call you first, then me second, all for FREE!!!
Site map: (to be added later)
This is last years SoCalMakerCon
SoCal Maker is comming up, click for some photos I have put on my web site.